Dr Paul Compston - CEO and Director - New Frontier Technologies Pty Ltd a partner in the Digital Composites Factory

Dr Paul Compston

CEO and Director
New Frontier Technologies Pty Ltd a partner in the Digital Composites Factory

Speaker at:

  • Advanced Manufacturing of Composite Structure for Hydrogen Applications

Paul has over 20 years’ experience as an internationally recognised industry-focused researcher in the field of advanced composites manufacturing and has worked with partners such as Boeing (Australia), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Ford Motor Company, Thermo Fisher Scientific and SGL Carbon. He is now commercialising capability for design, additive manufacturing, and digital twinning of carbon fiber composites developed in that time in the start-up company New Frontier Technologies Pty Ltd. Paul is also an Honorary Professor in the Research School of Physics at the Australian National University (ANU), a Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia.

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