Martijn Coopman - Program Manager International Hydrogen Supply Chains - Port of Rotterdam

Martijn Coopman

Program Manager International Hydrogen Supply Chains
Port of Rotterdam

Martijn has more than 25 years of experience in the development and management of ports and offshore terminals. Martijn has a mechanical engineering background, majored in port logistics and has gained experience in all facets of ports, including operations, shipping and development including design, financing, partnering, environmental procedures and stakeholder management. Martijn set up a new regional Business Unit for a Dutch port consultant in South East Asia to become regional market leader within 10 years. He then led 2 largescale port infrastructure projects from Feasibility stage up to FID in Myanmar (the new deep sea port of the country) and Rotterdam (Carbon Capture and Storage project Porthos). His latest role is as Program Manager International Hydrogen Supply chains at the Port of Rotterdam, focusing on accelerating development of Imports of Hydrogen to the future Hydrogen hub of Europe

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