Mikael Jakobsson - Managing Director - NXITY China People's Republic of China

Mikael Jakobsson

Managing Director
NXITY China People's Republic of China

Mr. Mikael Jakobsson is the CEO of NXITY, a district energy business consulting company originated from Sweden.
In 2017, Mr. Jakobsson initiated the establishment of the Asia Pacific Urban Energy Association (APUEA), a sector association supporting cities across Asia Pacific accelerating the development of sustainable urban energy. Mr. Jakobsson acts as the Executive Director of APUEA.


Mr. Jakobsson is a graduate civil engineer with a master’s degree in HVAC/Energy from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Mr. Jakobsson has more than 20 years of experience within Project Management and Energy Engineering, with specialist knowledge in Design- and Operation optimization of Multi-energy systems including thermal and hydraulic steady-state and transient-state analysis of complex thermal energy systems.


Over the past decade, Mr. Jakobsson has developed and optimized some 60 District Energy projects across Asia Pacific and supported more than 30 cities in China. Mr. Jakobsson started his career working as an analyst for the Finnish state-owned energy enterprise Fortum, optimizing the District Energy systems in Stockholm, Sweden.

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