Simon Byrnes - Chief Commercial Officer - Port of Newcastle

Simon Byrnes

Chief Commercial Officer
Port of Newcastle

Simon s is responsible for functions associated with Commercial, Energy, Strategy, Innovation and Business & Market Intelligence. Mr Byrnes is the executive leading the Port’s clean energy projects, including the enablement of the 220 hectare clean energy precinct, expediting the logistics for the inland renewable zones and the development of the port facilities for the construction, operation and maintenance of the floating offshore wind projects.

Simon has in-depth experience in establishing new, trans-disciplinary teams that leverage diversity and drive a values led approach to navigate complexity, drive innovation and develop resilience. Prior to the Port of Newcastle, Simon led the commercial function at Hobart Airport, doubling the number of destinations served within 18 months, securing a City Deal, delivering over $100M infrastructure and preparing the asset for sale.

Prior to that, Simon developed the infrastructure strategy, and the business architecture solutions, for Australia’s leading Government and private institutions, delivering more than $15B in infrastructure since 2010, including airports, rail, road, telecommunications in the past decade.

Simon has graduated from Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program, is completing a Masters degree in Creative Intelligence and Strategic Innovation at UTS, has undergraduate degrees in Finance and Law from UNSW and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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