Sugimori Tsutomu - Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, Group CEO - ENEOS Japan

Sugimori Tsutomu

Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, Group CEO

Educational Background

Mar. 1979    Bachelor of Commerce, Hitotsubashi Univ. (Tokyo, Japan)

Work Experience

Apr. 1979    Joined NOC

Jun. 2006    General Manager, Chubu Branch Office, NOC

Apr. 2008    Executive Officer, General Manager of the Chubu Branch Office, NOC

Jun. 2009    Executive Officer, General Manager of the Marketing Planning Dept., NOC

Jul. 2010    Director, Senior Vice President
Executive Director of the Fuel Retail Sales Division, JX NOEC

Apr. 2013    Director, Senior Vice President
Corporate Planning & Management Department,
Controller Department,
Information Systems Department, JX NOEC

Jun. 2014    Representative Director, President, JX NOEC

Apr. 2017    Representative Director, President, JXTG NOEC

Jun. 2018    Representative Director, President, JXTG HD

Jun. 2020    Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, Group CEO, ENEOS HD
Representative Director, ENEOS


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