Winnie Huynh - CEO & Founder - The Green Solutions Group

Winnie Huynh

CEO & Founder
The Green Solutions Group

Winnie Huynh is General Director and Founder of The Green Solutions Group. She has deep expertise in business strategy, human resource management and organisational development, particularly in the renewable energy sector.

Understanding the impact of climate change, she successfully researches and develops several renewable energy projects  in Vietnam.

In 2016, Winnie Huynh founded The Green Solutions Company to promote energy development in Vietnam, better manage endless resources from solar energy, wind energy, air and water resources.

Currently, with the desire to make the best use of abundant renewable energy in Vietnam with the country’s commitment to net zero emissions by 2050, Winnie Huynh focuses on working with experts and policy makers on renewable energy and hydrogen to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels and coal power, with a vision to be a pioneer in green hydrogen manufacturing for the next generations’ power market, fuel cells industry, and also energy storage as a backup source for the national power system.

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